EVA London Collaborations

EVA London Collaborations



The BCS Chartered Institute for IT, promotes wider social and economic progress through the advancement of information technology science and practice. Our main sponsor and ultimate parent body. EVA London is held at the BCS London office in the heart of the City of London.


A Specialist Group of the BCS, the Computer Arts Society (CAS) promotes the creative uses of computers in the arts and culture generally. EVA London is organised through CAS.

Art in FLUX

Art in FLUX is a forum hosted by artists to discuss strategies, processes and collective themes within the media arts. Founded in summer 2016 at the Lights of Soho Gallery by artists Aphra Shemza, Maria Almena and Oliver Gingrich, Art in FLUX has grown into a large forum with regular events featuring talks, demonstrations, and performances.


An annual Victoria and Albert Museum Digital Futures exhibition has been held in association with EVA London in the past. Collaboration continued with Event Two in 2019.

School of Visual Arts, New York

Sponsor of EVA London Conference.

Royal College of Art

Previous sponsor of the EVA London Symposium and Event Two exhibition at the RCA in 2019.

The Lumen Prize

The leading international digital art award, The Lumen Prize promotes digital artists and their work and has collaborated with EVA London through CAS.

Pratt Institute School of Information

Previous sponsor of the EVA London Symposium.

EVA International

EVA international conferences

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We seek further collaborations and sponsorship. If you are interested, please email Graham Diprose on: grahamdiprose@gmail.com