Key Dates
Wednesday 11th September 2019, 15:00-17:30: Committee meeting at BCS London office
Wednesday 30th October 2019: Call for Proposals
Tuesday 17th December 2019, 14:00-16:30: Committee Meeting at BCS London office
Monday 13th January 2020: Deadline for proposals, Peer Review process begins
Wednesday 5th February 2020, 11:00-16:00: Committee meeting at BCS London office: Submissions selection
Friday 7th February 2020: Call for Research Workshop Proposals by Graham Diprose
Thursday 13th February 2020: Proposer’s notified of the committee’s decisions
Wednesday 4th March 2020: Deadline for changes to titles/abstracts in light of reviewers’ comments
Friday 13th March 2020: Deadline for Research Workshop
Tuesday 17th March 2020: Deadline for submission of formatted papers for Proceedings
Friday 20th March 2020, 14:00-17:00: Committee meeting at BCS London office: Programme drafting
Monday 23rd March 2020: Decisions announced on Research Workshop
Thursday 26th March 2020: Draft programme published online
Friday 3th April 2020: Deadline for submission of formatted Research Workshop papers
Tuesday 7th April 2020: Online registration for authors opens
[Note: Easter Sunday is 12 April 2020]
Sunday 3rd May 2020: Deadline for author online registration
July 2020: Online open access EVA London 2020 proceedings published
[Note: A delayed EVA London 2020 event in November is planned to be online due to the closure of the BCS London office for at least the rest of 2020.]
September 2020: Printed EVA London 2020 proceedings to be published and posted to authors
Thursday 22nd October 2020 14:00-15:30: Committee meeting online on Zoom
Wednesday 28th October 2020: EVA London 2020 registration open
Monday 9th November 2020: Author deadline for submission of links to online talks
Monday 16th November – Friday 20th November 2020: EVA London 2020 Conference presentations online