

EVA London 2021 was held entirely online using Zoom again, due to the pandemic, during Monday to Friday, 59 July 2021. Registration information was also available online. All times are UK local time (BST  British Summer Time). The following is the online programme:

  • Full conference programme: Five days of presentations on a wide spectrum of themes and topics, with distinguished keynote speakers during 59 July 2021.
  • Evenings: There were evening events during 5–9 July 2021 (separate registration required for some events, which was provided to delegates).
  • Workshops: Three parallel workshops (separate registration required, further information and timing was provided to delegates).

The provisional EVA London 2021 programme is available in PDF format. A list of presentations is also available in PDF format with additional information such as titles, keywords, etc. This can be cross-referenced with the programme by paper number. The programme may be subject to minor changes and revisions depending on the availability of speakers, etc. Note that the EVA London 2021 proceedings is freely available online – see DOI 10.14236/ewic/EVA2021.0. The proceedings will also be available on DBLP in due course, which will be an alternative way to access individual papers. This year, the proceedings is in full colour printed form.