Key Dates

Key Dates: EVA London 2024 Conference

Graham Diprose, EVA London Conference Chair

Graham Diprose, EVA London Conference Chair

The following dates are provisional.

Monday 23rd October 2023: Call for Proposals for EVA London 2024

Thursday 23rd November 2023: 17:30-19:30, Committee meeting (Hybrid)

Wednesday 13th December 2023:  17:30-20:00, CAS AGM, Speaker & Social

Monday 15th January 2024: Deadline for Proposals, Peer Reviewing begins (NB: Submissions should be in ‘first draft paper format’ for long papers)

Thursday 1st February 2024: Peer Review Grades Deadline

Thursday 8th February 2024: Peer Review Final Comments Deadline

Thursday 15th February 2024: 17:30-20:00, Committee meeting Submissions Selection (Hybrid)

Monday 19th February 2024: Proposers notified of the Selection Committee’s decisions

Monday 26th February 2024: Final Deadline for Research Workshop Applications,    (N.B. IF any places are still available. Best to apply directly at the earliest opportunity)

Wednesday 28th February 2024: Decisions announced on successful Research Workshop Applications. Delegates informed and places confirmed

Thursday 7th March 2024: Deadline for provisionally accepted submissions

Friday 15th March 2024: Deadline for final submission of Fully Formatted Papers for Proceedings and hand-signed ‘Licences to Publish’ forms (see author notes)

Thursday 21st March 2024: 17:30-20:00, Committee meeting (Hybrid): Programme Drafting. Confirmation of 2023 Registration And Publishing Fees by Committee

Thursday 28th March 2024: Deadline for submission of formatted Research Workshop papers (either individual short papers or a free combined RW paper)

[Note: Easter Sunday is 31st March 2024]

Friday 12th April 2023: Draft programme published online with all confirmed Registration and Publication Fees

Tuesday 28th May 2024: Eventbrite Registration and Publication Fees Payments for Authors and all other Visiting Delegates for EVA London July 2024 opens

Thursday 30th May 2024: 17:30-20:00, Committee meeting (Hybrid) Plus Technical run-through with BCS staff

Friday 5th July 2024: EVA London 2023 Registration for in-person attendance closes along with Science Open Publishing Fees

Monday 8th July 2024: EVA London 2023 Registration for online attendance closes

Monday 8th July 2024: EVA London 2023 Conference opens (hybrid, in-person and online at BCS Moorgate)

Friday 12th July 2024: EVA London Conference 2024 closes

Note: All EVA London Key Dates up to our Conference in July 2024 may be subject to alterations through various directives beyond our control.