Online Talks

Online Talks

Due to the pandemic, we are providing links to online talks and demonstrations for any EVA London 2020 proceedings authors that have wished to produce such a talk. We also recorded EVA London 2020 presentations on YouTube. See EVA London 2020 on the EVA Archive, part of the Computer Arts Archive for convenient links to presentations and papers.

Here are the pre-recorded talks that we received before the conference:

EVA London 2020 authors wishing to update the list above should contact the EVA London 2020 co-chair Jonathan Bowen on

The above are pre-recorded presentations that can be viewed at any time. Live presentations, evening events, and workshops were also held online forming the EVA London 2020 Conference programme during 16-20 November 2020.

See also the 2020 Lumen Prize Awards for digital art, held online on 28 October 2020. Congratulations to the prize winners!