Research Workshop

Graham Diprose, Chair of the Research Workshop

Graham Diprose, Chair of the Research Workshop

Research Workshop

We look for exciting and original ideas and “work in progress” rather than completed projects by students and independent artists. Due to the pandemic, the Research Workshop was held online in 2021 and we published short poster papers and an associated combined paper in the EVA London 2021 proceedings. See also presentations marked “RW” in the EVA London 2021 programme.

During normal times, we have had training sessions at the BCS London office to help you to write a successful conference proposal and then offer all successful applicants assistance with writing up their work and ideas to include in our EVA London Research Workshop paper, which is published both as ISBN-numbered printed proceedings and open access online with a DOI. This recognition can be of benefit in future funding and job applications.

It is possible to contribute to a joint Research Workshop paper at no charge or have a standalone short 2-page paper in the proceedings at a small charge to cover open access costs, at the discretion of the Research Workshop chair.

Anne Tsjornaja demonstrating her Research Workshop VR artwork visualisation to Nick Lambert

Anne Tsjornaja demonstrating her Research Workshop VR artwork visualisation to Nick Lambert

We normally give Research Workshop delegates a bursary to participate in EVA London and present their research to our international artist and academic conference delegates. We are resuming our normal Research Workshop programme at EVA London 2022, chaired by Graham Diprose, with a hybrid event of physical and online presentations on Friday 8 July 2022.

Anyone interested should contact EVA London co-chair Graham Diprose on